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With Apologies To Abbott and Costello

WITH APOLOGIES TO ABBOTT AND COSTELLO “Been to the youth centre again,” She said, “Guess what band I’ve been to see.” I said, “NO IDEA, my pet.” “No,” she says, “We had NO IDEA last month. After that it was BETTER TO BE DEAD.” I said, “NOT SURPRISED.” “No, guess again, daddy.” “Oh, probably NEVER HEARD OF THEM.” “No,” she says, “They’re on next week. WHO was the the band I saw in December.” I said, “GOD KNOWS.” “No,” says she, “It was WHO.” I said, "WHADDYAMEAN?” She said, “No, that’s next month, silly. Tomorrow it'll be TOO LATE TO WORRY." I said, "OK just don't be late home." ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Note: Whenever my teen daughter talks to me about this or that rock band, she claims I always say disparaging things such as “Never heard of them” or “No idea”. She’s right, so this poem is a sort of apology for my comments. Names of rock bands are CAPITALISED

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 2/15/2011 1:48:00 PM
I see this is your version of "Who's on First?" This is a witty write.
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