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Wiseman Way Out Far Following Star Horn Haiku

what I need is add some of my poems and am glad are those which i had Will add some of these as other new poems. when we will allege should be able to besiege poems gain much prestige when we realize exhausted all of our tries won to our surprise After watching football game. when we saw stampede first fast horse has been in lead which is what they need when in a cluster some were stolen by hustler horse had much luster when following star searching for Jesus they are wisemen way out far when Jesus was born may have been early one morn His love did adorn world never the same Jesus would save lame and maim from heaven he came would sing song of praise while sheep and cattle did graze God has many ways when fire would burn learned about Jesus return which is what we yearn God is always great see His Son will be our fate which we anticipate So which one is the best.

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Date: 12/5/2023 6:22:00 AM
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