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Wise Elders

Wise Elders are patient, fully embrace compassion's communication and health care of climates and cultural landscapes, animated persons, sacred spaces, organic places, panentheistic plants and monotheistic planet impassioned hopes and pleasant dreams rebuilding positive faith. Wise Elders co-passionately listen for karmic grace of love peaks overflowing. If Wise Revolutionaries for revivalist change, clearing murky swamps, then WiseElder re-connecting evolutionaries toward perennial peace restoring OneBody of re-ligioning HolySpirit for cooperative Earth Justice Anima Mundi active mercy-growing Gaian Principles of curiously steadfast relentlessly co-present serenity surrendering to shared joy, win/win wonder, systemic trauma fearless awe Rooted in mind revolving bodies double-binding Integrity/Hypocrisy win/win truths discovered win/lose uncovered re-ligion recovered trusting WiseElder cooperative health actively incarnating Yangly yinned equivalent ambivalent re-bivalent ReLigions reconnecting EarthTribe's WiseElder MotherTrees of Peace. This might not sound like your fifth grade teacher, or even your high school civic leadership preacher, your parents or any candidate for WiseElder public service leadership you have ever had the pleasure of voting for, or even the displeasure of voting against given your unhealthy democratic missed opportunities and win/lose zero-sum debated options up to this polytheistic re-ligioning time. You probably have had difficulty identifying compassionate WiseElder communionation candidates Favoring profoundly democratic health of polypathic impassioned polyphonic pleasured mind/body wealthy indigenous Traditions Conserving Elder neuro-sexsensory Wisdom by liberating Secularizing Patriarchal Fools from clumsy competitive duties of future public offices of capitalized BusinessAsUsual MonoAuthor-ity anthrosupremacist responsibility, lacking accountability to all DNA-RNA solidarity WiseElder Cooperatives Including systemically traumatized panentheistic infants and animistic children and polyphonic engaged adolescents and all regenerative muse sages in-between reborn and dead Co-investing in WinWin ego/eco-reconnecting inside/outside re-ligioning players, pro SevenGeneration lifers, revolters from Business As BeatenRightDown and LeftOut Usual Mind/Body cooperative Occupiers, Organic Gardeners and ReWeavers, good regenerative shepherds, religious bodhisattva co-messiahs, eco-yogis of cooperative stretching and compassion inhale co-pleasure exhale breathing bilateral re-connecting wokeness and economically wise EcoLogos tellers and actors of ReLigious Spirit/Nature indigenous re-creation stories. Wise Elder Ego reflects Sacred EcoLogos-Mythos de-monotheorizing ego-Left dominantly re-polyculturing WiseElder habitats within SacredRight inducting ancient EarthSoul panentheistic peace pleasures In-between SacredElders a crystal communion surface reflecting secular Yang mountains above co-arising deep sacred YinYin bilateral WinWin Valleys waving back in Wonder and Awe about whom we have been to re-ligiously become again Where and when we have come from what MotherTrees crown and rooted why, and where we could best become healing SacredElders of panentheistic EarthSoul inter-religious Tipping Points back and forth toward ego/eco reconnecting democratizing bipartisan powers creolizing stresses and strains of Wise EarthTribe glory composed of Original AnimaMundi Constitutional Intent of crown/root sacred communing MotherTrees. It cannot be a radical proposition, except in the most deeply rooted, fundamental, incarnations of "radical," that Democratic Constitutional Intent toward science and sacred Unity of a United PanEntheistic People (NOT monotheistic uniformity) toward AnthroMind/EarthBody sacred Welfare, fare well wealth including internal and external health of a society and planet with great rapidly growing polycultural richness, density, assets, producers and consumers, precludes the foolishness of encouraging monotheistic fascism anthrosupremacist RightWing systemic trauma dominating lack of EarthHealth future choices. Not WiseElder, more TooMuchYangLeft Business As Competing Usual EitherOr headed toward degeneratively pathological demise of plants people planet, place, organic things, love, faith, hope for future Sacred Wise BiPartisan Woke Elders, speaking and acting with re-ligioning compassion, actively curious mind healthy body wealth consuming and producing polytheistic compassion/pleasure outcomes. It is foolish to grow in irresponsibility, stuck in WinLose EitherOr perpetual adolescent LeftBrain too dominant, out of balance unaware even of our own cognitive v affective internal mind-thought v body-felt dissonance. RightWing internal arguments systemically traumatic threats nightmares conspiracies whisper for ReStorative LeftRight Earth Justice as panentheistically cooperative co-arising peace of EarthWise indigenous Elders past through future Seven ReLigioning Generations. If polypathic space equals not(not polyphonic) bilateral waves of flowing time, spirals of revolutionary regenerative DNA-RNA solidarity health strings evolving ligioning and unligioning Creation Stories of MindLight's EarthBody empowering CoPresence Panentheistic WiseElder Traditions still actively hope for One CoMessianic Body restored by re-gathering Patriarchal-Matriarchal EcoPolitical WiseElder Balance Active curiosity compassionately reweaving reconnecting re-ligious vocations in peaceful EarthTribe WealthPassionMind/HealthPleasureBody co-governance.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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