Seven years old, abusively violated!
Only useless refuse left after
The extraction of my innocence
Live prey, left an empty shell!
Ten years old,
Mixed with a blend of conflicting entities
Existing entirely as an irregular frail unit
Not speaking for fear of spasmodic hesitation
Fourteen years old,
Uncontrolled, self destructive, total hatred of self!
Frequent thoughts of suicide, gun in mouth, deeply absorbed
Engrossed even, yet can’t bring myself to surpass moral bounds
Fifteen years old,
Life changing event!
Pregnant! Devastated! Abandoned! Afraid! Alone!
Except for the baby girl growing inside of me
Nineteen years old,
Repetition of the previous age
None the wiser yet,
But slowly receiving the understanding
Of the need to repent!
Immediately discovering the hope
Finally embracing the power and
Experiencing the Grace of the Lord
Who said that through “Him” -
Copyright © Janice Scott | Year Posted 2008
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