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When you give insightful thought,
You can only be as you ought;
God has created you as you are:
Another creation of His awe!

So, do not be distressed or depressed;
For you are one of the Crearor's best:-
Just know that being with stress,
Does not make you less than the rest:-

Know that you are beautiful and blessed,
Being here for all others to see
The Creator never made any of us less,
But the treasured beauty we ought to be:-

God blessed a precious womb to birth you,
And that womb has given you to all of us;
So, don't be a foggy mirror image in dust, but
A blessed reflection of God's love in all that you do:-

When you give insightful thought, You can only be as you ought; God has created you as you are: Another creation of His awe! So, do not be distressed or depressed; For you are one of the Crearor's best:- Just know that being with stress, Does not make you less than the rest:- Know that you are beautiful and blessed, Being here for all others to see The Creator never made any of us less, But the treasured beauty we ought to be:- God blessed a precious womb to birth you, And that womb has given you to all of us; So, don't be a foggy mirror image in dust, but A blessed reflection of God's love in all that you do:-

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things