Winter's First Surprise
Winter's First Surprise
Predicted by the Weatherman, it’s “Winter’s First Surprise,”
As we gaze out our windows, sheets of snow clouds our eyes!
Streets void of traffic, Mother Natures’ beauty is everywhere,
Suddenly the silence is broken, as a train of snow plows appear!
TV News update! Blizzard conditions across the East Coast,
As Schools, Businesses, and Government play the role of host!
Foot traffic on the rise, while trekking to the “Convenience” stores,
Eggs and milk tops on the list, before starting the outdoor chores!
Excited, impatient children, warm clothed and wearing a smile,
Can’t wait to get the go-a-ahead, to play outside for a while!
Snow mounds make the perfect fort, with many places to hide,
As Adults become like Kids again throwing snowballs from inside!
News flash continues throughout the day, updates scrolling across the TV,
Snow amounts increasing with each report, Home, is the best place to be!
Written By: Sarita A. Milliner © 1/22/16
Copyright © Sarita Milliner | Year Posted 2016
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