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Winter Morning By Alexander Pushkin

There're frost and sun, the day is fairy, You're sleeping yet, sweetheart, you're merry, It's time, wake up, my pretty lass, Open your eyes that are so tender towards Aurora and her splendour Rise like the Northern star to bless. The eve, remember, evil blizzard, Sky's full of mist, sky was imprisoned, the moon was just like yellow stain, It shone through clouds that were so gloomy, You were so sad, your room is roomy, But now, look in the window, hey... Under the blue-blue skies of glory, under the sun without some hurry the snow that like great carpet lies, Transparent forest blackened truly, The hoarfrost covers spruces coolly And river's shining through the ice. I see the room is full of amber, Room's bright and stove sings with great temper of burning firewood. It's good to think near bed, but maybe order to harness horse, my lady, to slide, it would be good. We're sliding on the snow of morning, My sweetheart, let horse runs to dawning, There is no time to wait. Let's visit empty field, let's visit thick forests, oh, I really miss it, And shore that's sweet for our date. P.S. This is my translation of poem by Alexander Pushkin

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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