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Why Should I

Was it enough or was it too much? Sometimes too fast but always too slow! God knows that I come with these seeds that grow. Inside and out I absorb every single touch, But why should I? Why should I be the only one that knows? Stepping through time and sliding back so smooth so I go! I say I can qualify! Where was I and why was I there? Sometimes too obvious but always with doubt! God knows that I come riding in on a prayer. I absorb every single touch inside and out, But why should I? Why should I be the only one that cares? Climbing the highest mountains and sliding down so steep but on a dare! I say I can magnify! What did I say and what did I do? Sometimes too quite but always too loud! God knows that I come with a gleam that shines so proud. Inside and out I absorb every single touch by you. But why should I? Why should I be the only one in the crowd? Walking on water and walking backwards but at least I know how. I say I can intensify! Do I want to or do you need me to? Sometimes I wonder and sometimes I simply don’t care. God knows that I come standing on a higher sky of blue. I absorb every single touch by you inside and out with this glare. But why should I? Why should I be the only one with this view? Up in the clouds and aimless but always led by you! I say, “I SANCTIFY”! ®Registered: 1997 Ann Rich

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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