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Why Love

Does love realy hurt us? Or do our Xpectationz from love hurt us? Maybe we put soo much Xpectationz on love tht when these do not occur we start to panic!! Why base xpectationz on something uncotrollable? something tht iz cognitive somthing soo emotional? something tht is just a feeling? and perhaps a feeling tht we our selves cannot define nor explain for tht matter!! why give away yo heart on something tht disappoints soo easily? why do we rly want to be loved? Having some1 to love is more important than being loved>... .

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 9/19/2011 6:07:00 AM
A warm welcome priscilla!! I enjoyed your arts amn but I second francis I also bellieve being loved is more important
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Ncana Avatar
Nzuzo Ncana
Date: 9/19/2011 6:08:00 AM
that was a great poem hey
Date: 9/6/2011 7:25:00 AM
A warm welcome to PoetrySoup I offer to you this morning Priscilla. I wish for you the best in your writing endeavors whatever they may be. May you find inspiration by reading some of the poetry written here by other poets. Read and comment on their's and they will return in kind. May the sun shine on you that you might find great joy in your life. Love and blessing always, Carol
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Date: 9/6/2011 3:39:00 AM
i believe being loved is more important. this is lovely and i like your writing skill here.nice job.
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things