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Why I don't like therapy

One person once asked, "Why don't you like considering therapy" and this is my answer: What I feel does not have a schedule to pop out, And I don't bottle things up until the next hour. so, please don't tell me that I need to give my problems a schedule. I am okay not remebering my sorrows at given moments, and It doesn't comfort me when someone tells me "it will be okay" that's a line I expect to hear anyway, and "I tell that to myself everyday" and I know very well that it is okay to feel what I feel. then why do I need therapy? why do I need therapy, if I am therapy. I don't see a need really. I'd rather take a pen and scream out the pain on paper!!! That's where I find real healing, in silence, behind the pages of my book!!!

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things