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Why Get High

Some get drunk Others get high Potheads get stoned The question is why Do they want to relax Or just have fun If it's escape they seek ~ Let 'em run

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 1/13/2021 2:17:00 PM
Up and away ;) Linda
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 1/13/2021 5:11:00 PM
The Fifth Dimension will join you! ~ Age of Aquarius
Date: 1/11/2021 3:01:00 PM
Hello Gershon … it’s hard to work out why humans wish to destroy their mind and body but a large percentage do - thank you Gershon - Lindsay
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 1/11/2021 3:50:00 PM
It really is. Speaks volumes about parenting these days though, doesn't it?... as well as the overpowering influence of the peer group... doesn't hurt that the church has lost its grip either... ~ Bud Man, Poetry Soup Fan (LOL)
Date: 1/11/2021 6:47:00 AM
To forget the doldrums of everyday boring life, it's worse at the moment with all the restrictions. Hope your new year off to a good start Gershon. Tom
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 1/11/2021 3:49:00 PM
Ha, ha! I think that's the main reason people drink or get high on dope regularly... Maybe they should ride roller-coasters on a daily basis or something, or perhaps dive into the sea off of towering cliffs... lol. What the hey?! :) gw
Date: 1/11/2021 3:52:00 AM
There is a high in running...some say. You always lift my spirits, Gershon! Up up up they go!
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 1/11/2021 3:47:00 PM
You're right. I'd forgotten about that! It's a 'runner's high,' and I used to get it up 'til about 15 years ago, when my knees would't let me run anymore. It's a real great feeling. Thanks for reminding me,... and glad I can lift your spirits a little on occasion. Peace and Tranquility, Gershon
Date: 1/10/2021 7:13:00 PM
I don't think it's for any of us to judge - everyone has their vice, it's more about being responsible in the choices you make, I would say.
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Gershon Wolf
Date: 1/11/2021 3:45:00 PM
btw: The question asked in lines 5 & 6 goes on all of the poor souls in the first stanza -- the drunks as well as the stoned/potheads. Just wondering why people bend themselves out of shape, as it's beyond me why anyone would want to alter his/her perception of reality. Oh, well. Guess I'm just an old-fashioned square! ~ gw

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