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Why Being Pro-Life Matters To Our Lord God

God created them both male and female. First He created Adam and than out of his rib cage, he created his wife. She was only called Eve after their fall from grace. When Eve first gave birth to Cain, she said, "I have begotten a man child from the Lord." Cain had no respect for human life and killed his younger Godly brother Abel out of fit of jealous anger! From conception when a woman's egg becomes fertilized by a man's sperm in her womb." Jesus Christ considers it the very beginning of human life. God not only knew our inward parts but He knit them together in our mother's womb. Since we were created out of His image and out of His own likeness! God considers abortion to be the act of the shedding of innocent blood. Thou shalt not kill can also mean Thou shalt not commit murder! People claim its a woman's choice to terminate the life of a separate human being growing inside her very own womb. In essence it means a woman has the right to commit murder because of the shedding of innocent blood! They also claim that men have no choice in the matter when half of the aborted unborn babies are male! In the western world there are options to not rearing your own children, if you are unable to do so yourself. It is called adaption! Hagee Ministers of Corner stone Church has built the sanctuary of Hope for women and their unborn children who choose life over death! In my city of Everett Washington there are pro-life choices and clinics available. People claim that Planned Parenthood provides other services other than abortion! And those people have the blood of innocent children and sometimes their mothers' on their hands and upon their soul! It is nothing more but legalized mass murder! Yes there are cases when the termination of the pregnancy is advisable it is called miscarriages! Preformed by God. In order to save the mother's life. And to prevent a child with server abnormalities from being born! What happens to aborted babies? They automatically gained entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven. Is abortion a forgivable sin? Since murder is a forgivable sin than abortion is also a forgivable sin! What if a woman continues to have abortions? Jesus Christ will most likely sterilize a woman's womb! Thus preventing her from aborting more of her babies! If she repents," Woman where are your accusers? Go and sin no more." He was talking about adultery not abortion! But the same rule of thumb applies! Roxanne Lea Dubarry October Country November 29, 2021

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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