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Why Are There Others

Why are there others, When there's only ourselves, Primary, Secondary, Who goes first, Who leaves last, Who gets more, Who drives fast, Interconnected? To that guy? Why, he will never, Ever, Affect my outcome, He could deliberate, Dangle, Debate, And I'll keep moving, Living, Thriving, despite, His malfeasance, And her? She's a mess, A plodding set, Of devastating circumstances, She'll leave, Move on, And I'll keep moving, Living, Surviving, in spite of, Her disapproval, And she of mine, Yet each, He and she, To one another, And to me, Together, And separate, As one, Without knowing, Only showing, The prickly bit, Of ourselves, Standing firm, Left foot, Right foot, Protecting turf, And things, Continuing our beliefs, Mine is mine, The rest, To be delivered, Thinking, A little deeper, Deeper, Hmmm, Wait a minute, Can't get more, Without him, Can't have more, Without her, Can't be more, Unless, We all chip in, It's time, Ante up. (10/16/02)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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