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Why go to sleep? When we are the ones that have missing things. Why take a breeze? When I am the one that needs zephyr. Why cry until you are satisfied? When you are always dissatisfied. Why go and feel contempt? When we only need respect. So, why do you expose yourself? When you haven't cleansed yourself. Why go and overreact? When you sometimes don't make a great impact. Why go and bite? When you know you cannot eat more than you can chew. Why give? When you only deserve. Why shed some tears? When they sometimes aren't clear. Why are you happy? When you know you are lying. Why are we bleeding? When we only need healing. So, why live? When we go and die. And why die? When we want life. We might fall down, But it is never too late, 'Cause life, Starts now...

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 4/6/2013 10:07:00 PM
Ruben, a very nice and awesome poem. Congratulations with your Featured Poem of the week :-). Have yourself a good one. Always~ LINDA
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Date: 4/1/2013 6:59:00 PM
Very good piece. Really enjoyed great job. Congrats on being featured.
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Date: 3/25/2013 7:14:00 AM
Somehow sad..but with a hopeful ending Ruben..Me like : )
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Date: 3/24/2013 6:57:00 AM
Your reason is clear, Ruben...poetry...jimbo
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things