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Who's For You

What's the me to you that's like me looking into you What's you to me that's like you looking out for me I got a right to feel special and that she agrees on She got a right to feel loved and that much I can agree on Only thing that matters is what you're fighting for Every hope is someone's idea of holding on to life Your identity is my existence for all its worth Mines is nothing compared to me who's cursed Who's gonna take care of you if not for me How you interpret that is up to you Being the villain in your love story is not bad But being the cause to your demise is You'll never get that feelings again not from the same person Nor will you get that feelings again from another person The only L in my life is the link between you and me The other L I cherish is that name that holds more than memories Finally who are you that's the who in me And to tie the first and last line you're for me as I'm for you.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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