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Whole Vs Hole

I laced my shoes up Headed straight for the door Coz this is worth fighting for Getting my head right The heart has got to follow Whisper a prayer Like there ain't no tomorrow Take a breath and I exhale slow I wasn't made for this kind of cold This ain't a place you want to know This ain't a home Nah not even close You can go ahead and play Like you want rock n roll Guilt does a job On everyone's soul When your head Is a pillow in the night with a knife on You can bet your life It is gonna be a fight y'all I used to feel whole Now just emptiness A gaping hole However here's poem For the broken hearted A silent prayer For faith departed Do you ever get the feeling that There's something greater Happening here It's beautiful it's tragic It's something more than magic The laughter the tears It's the road that led us here The majesty the mystery It's a billion heartbeat symphony Like a river that leads to the ocean One hand sets it all in motion

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 10/15/2019 8:39:00 AM
Great rhythm, I can hear it! Sharp ink. Excellent piece. mo
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Phatt Matt
Date: 10/17/2019 11:30:00 AM

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry