Who Shall I Be Today
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Nursery Rhyme Or Stories Poetry Contest
Sponsored by Eve Roper
First Place
lmage by pinecrest.com

A beautiful little princess wishes she were someone else
Perhaps a blue bird that sings or a black crow with a shrill
Or something soft with white whiskers, a long-tailed mouse!
From the balcony she watches the village children on the hill
As they run up, up, up, and then roll down, down, down
They laugh and scream and sing merry songs and play
The little princess sits alone, she wears butterfly wings and crown
In an enormous castle with a tower, there she lives, far away
Who shall I be today is her most favorite made up game
In her own enchanted world, and with a grand imagination
Ever so joyful day after day, where all remains the same
To be just as she is, pleased and abrim with gleeful elation
Copyright © I Am Anaya | Year Posted 2023
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