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Who is was Jamie Ashworth

Who is/was Jamie Ashworth? Written roundabout October 31st 2017, yet nary a handy dandy blue's clue Jimmy Neutron Spongebob SquarePants exists about real or imagined gal in question, and presumed results regarding the gal in question acquiring titular role of poetic subject most likely more than a few women can lay claim to being said person re: goddess of me what dream in question, but once curiosity took hold far between once idea took hold in me noggin notion became frozen solid within sixty shades of gray matter analogous to being lodged itself an Igloo for no less than an eternity linkedin with cryogenic freezing, which notion prevalent among the super rich spending millions of dollars to procure heated smart toilet, and additionally, essentially, and ideally equipping bathroom with golden plated loo whereby guests needing to relieve themselves grunt out insync with effe fart to expel bowel movement the primal scream aah and ooh synonymous to giving birth. Untold females most likely share same name sake as poem title; I knew not what to expect after googling the following namesake Matthew Scott Harris did a wake kin me from temporary stupor, gasping for air as if affixed with a trach and on a whim thy fingers flew to keyboard butta...please dune hot coon sitter me a rake or a hoe shoveling unprintable fu*king expleteives, which would moost deafen net lee and rightfully tell me “go jump in a lake” (an imponderable superior whim) but tis not for anything to gain this extemporaneous poem aye make but more so, this ordinary garden variety bumpkin (or pumpkin I transform into upon eve of Halloween politically correct) nay, tis no exterior, interior, nor ulterior motive this drake doth quacking, while wading in the wide webbed whirled and hoop fully ja refrain thinking me tubby some flake yes, a touch of flattery insulated within thy body electric, which caw cajun skin color presents this being opaque and the purest motive merely to convey how flattered this mortal knowing an anonymous gal enjoys the material which despite what Trump or his henchmen/women might have said “aint what preceded deep fake” boot real honest to dogness sentiment that virtually touches me to the quick and a whim to make a rhyming poem found impetus set to express and converse without any suspicion, paranoia, or mild headache.

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