Who is truly free, what is true freedom?
In the depths of our souls, where shackles crumble to dust,
There lies the essence of freedom, in which we all must trust.
It's not in chains unbroken, nor in walls torn down,
But in the spirit soaring, where true freedom is found.
Freedom isn't just a word, it's a state of mind,
It's the courage to be different, to leave conformity behind.
It's the power to choose, to walk our own path,
To embrace our flaws and scars, and to laugh and love and laugh.
True freedom isn't bound by borders or by time,
It's the melody of the heart, in its rhythm and its rhyme.
It's the whisper of the wind, the dance of the flame,
It's in every breath we take, in every soul aflame.
So who is truly free? It's you, it's me, it's us,
In our dreams and aspirations, in our triumphs and our trust.
For freedom isn't given, it's something we must claim,
In the depths of our being, where our true selves remain.
Copyright © Kamogelo Maubane | Year Posted 2024
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