Wherever and Whenever With Whatever
I love the very idea of being and remaining loving.
For its continuing (H)onesty, and for its (O)peness to grow continually, and for its (W)illingness to welcome change - and (For its endeavor towards being and remaining just as humble as this was created by our Creator, and was and is surrendered for us by "This Power Continuing", continually!)
Why share in any debate unless any debate leads us to apply ourselves together towards an ever-generous and peaceful effort towards freedom with all of Creation, continually?
"Our open arms, and ever-loving and gentle hands and smart feet are far smarter than our heart and our head will ever be all put together, without using them, continually."
They prove any opinion that another special something or someone, or even one of my very own, or that we both may share in this idea together, continually.
When we allow these ever-gracious attributes of our Creator's Love for all of Creation to lead us within an ever-mindful and ever-heartfelt effort together, continually.
Towards relative peace and everyday freedom within the ever-varying and ever-continuing and ever-general harmony working together with and for our Creator, and with and for all of "This "Power's Ever-Perfected Creation" this exact way, continually - we find peace within all of Creation continuing on into and beyond the very movement of this very moment on into infinity.
Wherever, and whenever, and with whatever we may have within us, and or surrounding us, if and when we can remain (H)onest, and (O)pen-minded and are entirely (W)illing.
If we still can possibly be, and remain helpful, towards this effort above with and for our Creator and with and for all of Creation, continually.
Copyright © James Long | Year Posted 2019
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