Where Will You Go
Where Will You Go
By Charles Gerald Patrick Chard 2nd
Gravi Hanita Hazaka Abir Selek 2nd
Now everyonr must hear of Jesus Christ,
How HE lived a sinless life,
How HE walked this earthly sod,
How HE has a relationship, One GOD,
Every must know the reason for HIS plight,
How HE died on the cross at Calvary's site,
How HE rose again on the third day,
And why we kneel in reverence to HIM when we pray,
But do you understand about eternal destination?,
Everyone will face it, no matter what nation,
The soul of everyone is eternal without end,
There is no purgatory for your soul on fires lend,
Your soul will stay in either hell or Heaven
No matter your intentions of goodness or bread unleavened,
Jesus Messiah, The Life, The Truth, The Only way,
Call upon the LORD for help, from HIM do not stray,
Call to HIM as your Savior and your LORD,
Read from the Bible HIS two edged sword,
Tell HIM your a sinner be honest and true,
Believe GOD who raised HIM from the dead now lives in you.
Copyright © Charles Gerald Patrick Chard 2nd | Year Posted 2018
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