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Where Do I Belong

Where do I belong In the jigsaw we call life, I see all the pieces on the table I try as hard as I am able To find where I fit in. I ask myself the question, Time and time again, If only I could see, In this jumble of a jigsaw, A place unique for me, In a room in a crowd, In my heart I cry out loud, Do you see me at this party Do you see me in this room Can you hear me in the noisy din, Where do I fit in, Do you know that I am here Do you ever think to say, Who is that in the corner, And introduce yourself today. An introvert can never do that, Just burst upon the scene, If I walked out this moment, It would be as if I'd never been. Even wall flowers have a partner, They can cling onto the wall, But when you have no hold , When you are not bold, No matter how great the party, You are left out in the cold. Making friends ain't easy, Conversation soon dries up, If you 're not worldly wise, you can be invisible in others eyes. Never know where I fit in, I tend to walk by with an upside down grin. © Dave Timperley. 28/01/2019

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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