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When the Cannas Droop

This time of the year when the cannas sadly droop, Ma is saving kitchen scraps from recent repasts for a hearty winter soup, and decorations go up. Too early I think with the Christmas ornaments for commercial purposes slighting Halloween and Thanksgiving gatherings. I shall complain bitterly. No one will listen! Some say I am Mister Scrooge I can stand only so much happiness and joy, cash registers dinging loud facing the mad shopping crowds. Each year it gets worse when the cannas sadly droop, and Ma saves scraps for the soup decorating starts, and I complain bitterly but no one listens or cares.
Written September 12, 2022

Copyright © | Year Posted 2022

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Date: 9/13/2022 7:23:00 PM
I don't know -- nothing better than a hearty winter soup (at least for me). I miss my mom doing the same thing. ~ gw
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L Milton Hankins
Date: 9/13/2022 7:32:00 PM
Thanks so much, gw. I agree. I try to make a good hearty soup when the cold winds blow and snow covers the ground. Nothing better!
Date: 9/13/2022 8:20:00 AM
It is sad to see how commercialism has taken control over the minds of the masses and destory to beauty of celebration. I have similar feeling when the holidays arrive so early to the market place. A poet friend in Texas, Bill
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L Milton Hankins
Date: 9/13/2022 8:43:00 AM
I find it more and more disgusting, but I cannot change it. Sad.
Date: 9/13/2022 6:30:00 AM
Commericialism is alive and well here in the good old USA - Christmas takes a heavy toll, so this makes sense.
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L Milton Hankins
Date: 9/13/2022 8:43:00 AM
Indeed it is, Caren.
Date: 9/12/2022 6:08:00 PM
I'm listening Milton, so sad how businesses start taking advantage of the holiday season. Money and profit take precedence over the real reason for celebration. Some things never change and greed is one of them. I think Christmas is the worst, or black friday where people have died in pursuit of that gift or bargain. Your words convey a sad reality you have shared so eloquently. Thank you for sharing...
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L Milton Hankins
Date: 9/12/2022 7:01:00 PM
Thanks so much, Michael. I think you hit the nail right on the head.
Date: 9/12/2022 5:45:00 PM
Nice sedoku Milt. I like this form. Halloween gets plenty of exposure here but Thanksgiving is near non-existent and it is silly to me to have Christmas "sales" before Halloween! Linda
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L Milton Hankins
Date: 9/12/2022 7:02:00 PM
I hear you loudly and clearly, Linda. I think it has become one humongous "holiday" season all focused on profits!

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