When the Bough Breaks
this darkened world
cries like these skies
I hear the moans
of winded gusts
echoing down the streets
the branches snapping
like lost minds
as the trees topple downward
I trembles like leaves
breaking free
twirling around
spiraling down
these streets
littered with graffiti
of the aftermath
of fury
lines drawn
lines downed
roads closed
like minds
as we sit
in the dark
beneath the wail
of sirens
before silence
breaks with dawn
the break of horizon
bloodied like the streets
but we can't see
beyond the clouds
of smoky skies
as we choke
on fear
(we've been having some violent storms here, loss of power, roads closed, we have riots here, and here the sirens, but no one knows if they are in reference to the storms or the riots... it was kind of nice being away from the plague of the world for a little bit and just be able to clear your mind and relax outside between the storms)
Copyright © Sandra Adams | Year Posted 2020
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