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When Nightmares Happen

When nightmares happen, what makes them strike Is it events of today or our pasts darkly sprite When nightmares happen, what makes them choose Is it events of today or our pasts darkly blues When one loses someone from their past life But they're knowing it'll repeat its just a matter of time When nightmares happen what makes them choose For inside your mind they'll continue to grind When nightmares happen, what makes them strike One minute your sleeping sound, then they spike When nightmares happen, what makes them choose To have nearly lost another two, knowing another, you'll lose <*>

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 7/19/2021 11:02:00 PM
Hi my long time friend! references aged feelings...can be difficult, let go let God is not easy, nice to see you!
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James Fraser
Date: 10/23/2021 3:06:00 PM
Hi James, thanks for popping by, so nice to see you 2 xx Olive and I are well, and Jamie will be 3 on Christmas Eve. The poems about my past, having lost a brother knocked down in front of me and killed, and sadly knowing that one day I'd receive a call that my child was knocked down. That call came, my youngest was, but he's fine <3 roll on many years, then my daughter was, thankfully she's well also xx

Book: Reflection on the Important Things