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When I Fall In Love

As my wife once taught me Women knew all about trimming and cleaning and harvesting the fertile forests of Earth long before I ever thought to depilate my back and other parts. As my wife continues teaching me I am not quite sure what she means but it feels important to more than just our reforesting relationship and its odds of continuing into future regenerative climaxes. As my wife predicted, I forget to carefully listen until she culminates with climaxes. And then she surely owns my belated attention. The matriarch voice of my life bewitches, bothers, and bewilders me while we fall in love we become ecopolitically out to lunch, indefinitely, reforesting and ecotherapizing without fear or anger-marketing about how to transcend vulnerable boundaries to mutual empathic nakedness. This matriarch voice and I love (0)-sum WinWin reforesting as health care co-operative wealth management of mutually accessible climates for spiraling regenerativity trends externalized as Yang, internalized reforesting, reweaving waves of notnot Yin, wu-wei, RealTime 4D Ego/Eco-Balancing Falling in love with Yin all over again, PermaCulturing Operas sung and danced while remembering as my imaginary wife continues teaching me Thought Experiments through real fractal double-binary informating co-gravitating bilateral ego/ecosystemic time. I am not quite sure what she means but it feels wu-wei important to more than just our reforesting-deforesting relationship and its odds of even continuing into future through past reweaving regenerative climaxes of healthy wealth optimally sustaining maintaining EarthLivesMatter.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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