Wheelchair Man II
It takes guts to be in a wheelchair
Twelve years ago
I got a job in the open labour market
My first day I ran away early
I had transport issues
I got a lift with another wheelchair man's car
The second day I stayed a full twelve hour shift
I phoned my girlfriend to let her know
I'm looking for a lift home
if I don't find any
that I might look
for a place to sleep for the night
I managed sleeping at a police station
I was sitting and sleeping in my wheelchair
It was risky
When I needed to tinkle
The loo was by the prison cells, twas scary!
I was on my way to work again
It was my third day
I found a lift home
I got home at half past two in the A.M
It was your intention
That I should not depend upon someone else
That I should fend for myself
Lest I stumble on sudden wealth
Wouldn't that be a boost to my health
In a manner of speaking
It will be the counsel that I'll be seeking
I mean a person with special needs
Could do with a lot zeros behind his name
But then again social injustice is not a novelty
It's in everywhere you look
Is like pushing yourself with a wheelchair
A great distance
and you can't see an end to your journey
You are tired but you can only rest
When you have reached your home
At your home your eyes fell closed
Your arms fell limp of fatigue off your wheels
The next day you wheel yourself a fresh
You just carry on taking deep breaths
my pregnant girlfriend's love a comfort to me
Some of us sit for long hours
Some take precaution of pressure sores
Some delight
in giving some us a fright
I cringed with vengeance inside of me
I am seething through my teeth
It is soon to be forgotten
I was born with cerebral palsy
These things I outgrown
At time these things can appear very loathsome
In this regard being in a wheelchair can be lonesome
I just switch off from the world at times
Unplugging helps at times
Other times I just spend my time writing
I like to bury myself in it, keeps my mind busy
I try to refrain to take it as a switch in personality
I just like to share another reality
It's like getting out of your wheelchair
And walking on parallel bars in a therapy session
Writing is my therapy session
If your wheelchair is not in a good condition
The stress begins
That extension of yourself becomes threatened
That is why one or two extra wheelchairs is helpful
Take yourself out and be active
Life in wheelchair doesn't have to stand still
Get up, get out and do something flip
We also have life
So keep on being a rolling inspiration
Copyright © Phatt Matt | Year Posted 2018
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