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Wheel On a Stick Part 9

The Cinematic Film Treatment as a stand alone element in the aesthetic revolution we are now not witnessing Happily Married An anthropological graphic novel fantasy shot against a contrasty mono tint, color highlighted, claustrophobic backdrop of dystopia among the underclass reminiscent of "District 9" only without the aliens or the police or the the J'oburg location, set instead in the wastelands of Outer Bogomil, where wives are traded for goats or bushels of chickpeas or rolls of copper wire or a good shotgun or a pair of pliers or tractor parts, in an ancient tradition of assuming all value to be computed by the quantity of envy it produces in a potential admirer, who would typically express their covetousness by grinding their teeth audibly while standing inches from the face of the covetee, whereupon both parties begin the ancient bargaining process with a series of coded eye blinks- left right left left right, right right right left left, right left left left, left both left both both, right both left, and so on, sometimes for days when meals and bodily functions are forgotten, while the villagers gather to observe and murmur their approval, or not, of the progress of negotiations, by raising up on their toes and touching elbows with one another in an arms akimbo frenzy until the bargaining is completed and the maiden is exchanged for the goods, whereupon the bride, trussed and gagged and wearing garlands of threaded horse testicles is welcomed into the family of the husband, being dragged by the hair across the threshold, untied but not ungagged, given a broom and told to get to work. From "Theater of Utter Charm" Available on Amazon

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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