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What's So Special?

What’s so special about a whole year? Aside from the birthdays we hold dear. January represents the start of something new, so you can forget all the things you have been through. February designates when lovers can officially share, just how much that they truly care. March declares that with green we must adorn, as St. Patrick would have worn. April witnesses the falling of showers, and blooming of pretty flowers. May praises the one sent to save, by overcoming death, hell and the grave. June grants all Fathers a special day, for the vital role they play. July remembers the birth of a great nation, by hosting a fireworks celebration. August welcomes kids back to the school, thus remember the golden rule. September commemorates the soldiers that serve, our respect they unquestionably deserve. October ushers in what we call Halloween, costume clad kids are sure to be seen. November allows Families to gather together, and give thanks despite the weather. December summons the world to sing, in honor of the newborn king. It will go by quick is what I fear, so what’s so special about a whole year?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2006

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