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Whatever You Wanted

Okay I am going to write about whatever you wanted Would God give you whatever you wanted? It depends on who you ask, right? Yeah God will give you whatever you wanted if that is what you believe If you believe you will get no candy Then no candy for you Life has a way of fulfilling our prophecy You are not being hard-trodden You are just hard-trodden So how can we get out of this rut? You can't Only God can God will change minds and change hearts The one I didn't like before I like now And vice versa Lol so watch out So does that mean I am stuck until I am bucked? Yeah man you are stuck until you resist You resist on the status quo Resist on the complacent Resist on what goes what goes Resist on being satisfied Resist on being happy at whatever is handed to you Go for the ideal What is your ideal? I think you know it Of whatever you consider it is an ideal Strive for it You will get it It will not come if you don't strive It will not come if you are satisfied You must say I will not take this You hear me God? Okay you heard me :)

Copyright © | Year Posted 2016

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