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Whatever Does That Mean

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Peoples' opinions of me don't bother me now I am older as much as they did when I was younger. However, I am amused at some of the reactions of friends, family and strangers if I speak in rhyme, as I do sometimes, or if I reveal that I have written a new poem or song. It is almost as if some people take a step back or become a little embarrassed and don't know what to say. Some people do actually tell me that they think that I am weird!

They say that I'm prolific Whatever does that mean? It makes me sound like a rabbit Bob-bobbing in a pretty scene. It makes me feel terrific And not an old has-been, When I find a word I grab it Towards rhyming I often lean. And here I go again Another song I’m writing, Thoughts are bouncing round my brain My word – my life’s exciting! They say I’m too poetic Whatever does that mean? They all sound sympathetic As if I’m tainted or unclean. It makes me feel terrific And not an old has-been, It’s far better than pathetic Never heard and never seen And here I go again Another song I’m writing, Thoughts are bouncing round my brain My word – my life’s exciting! They say that I'm rather weird Whatever does that mean? It makes me sound like I’m a freak To be displayed on the village green. It makes me feel terrific And not an old has-been, For I am a song-writing geek Write lyrics even in my dreams. And here I go again Another song I’m writing, Thoughts are bouncing round my brain My word – my life’s exciting! And here I go again Another song I’m writing, Thoughts are bouncing round my brain My word – my life’s exciting! I am a song-writing geek Whatever does that mean?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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