what we see plus
below are three separate entries
may this day find you well
thank you
"what we see"
I wonder how you see me
how I look in your eyes
are expectations met
what do you see
you wonder how I see you
how you look in my eyes
are expectations met
what do I see
we see each other
we look with open eyes
with expectations met
love is what we see
"stare once more"
nothing touches me more when you stare at me
what I see I wish those moments to never end
moonlight or sunrise kisses could not be finer
for the passion continues to grow stronger
holding hands with words of love reach my heart
such reflections of tenderness are our light
all this and more ignite dawn and darkness
love found its way to cherish forevermore
each glance from you I desire and hold
touch my world and stare once more
written 04-25-18
"with much to say"
since that one fine day
with everything to taste
I see you
I hear you
you touch me
I feel evermore
since that one fine day
with everything real
you see me
you hear me
I touch you
you feel equally
since that one fine day
with love we bring
we both have much to say
Copyright © Lisa Ricci | Year Posted 2024
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