What U Make of It
i sit and focus on my purpose//
provin to myself, and then the world, that im not worthless//
contemplate measures to take to make it hurt less//
the pain that courses through my viens//
every thought seems to go against the grain//
nothing i do that i used to feels quite the same//
but i sit and smoke and zone out to see the world simple and plain//
everything we do is a play in a game//
with consequences that are real and can potentially mame//
and mutulate your vision of whut is ur true fate//
a date with destiny that will eventually take place//
but until then the physical is stuck in the same place//
but the mental roams around freely at its own pace//
sometimes rapid, other times sluggish//
life has the potential to proceed the smoothest or the roughest//
its all what we make of it//
the way we roll with the punches//
and counter with hooks that cause us to be triumphant//
able to look through the dumb and evaluate quickly on wut to come with//
whether to duck left right or back//
then to determine the best route of attack//
and like that the obstacle that had us seemingly trapped//
has passed like a mic in a cypher at night//
filled with only kids who had hunger and drastic appetite//
to hold that device that aids our raps so nice//
see life is like a blunt u twist//
its all what u make of it...
Copyright © David Hendricks | Year Posted 2021
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