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What They'Ve Done To Gary

What they've done to Gary is just plain scary. Global elites shut him up.Of their wicked ways, be wary. It is all in all,everything that they do,to try and scare me, to try and scare you. If they get their way,we'll all be shakin' in our shoes. If they can make us fear enough,they think they'll never lose. For fear is their currency of delight,presses working over-time, ever in the night. Where their dark secrets lurk,hiding from the light. With it they purchase hearts and minds, ultimately souls as their grand prize, To offer up to lucifer, in a scheme of grand demise. So take heart my friend and fear naught,but the Lord. This is wisdom's beginning, God's word, shield and sword. Of this one thing be ever so aware, that those who hold God's spirit, they can not scare or make them slaves to the prince of the power of the air. We, who stand with Gary, will remain strong and bold. Always doing what is right, not necessarily what we are told. It is our one path to victory and bringing freedom home. Home, where our love dwells. Home. Dear, sweet home.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 4/16/2016 3:11:00 PM
john carrier, Nice to read your poem today. enjoyed ~LINDA~
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Date: 1/9/2013 6:48:00 PM
Welcome to poetry soup! Who's Gary?Light & Love
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Date: 1/8/2013 3:43:00 PM
great write John,welcome to the soup,have a wonderful journey
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Date: 1/8/2013 7:01:00 AM
Hi there and welcome to the site, I hope you enjoy it here.
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Date: 1/8/2013 3:42:00 AM
Welcome to P-Soup, John! Hope you'll have great pleasure to share your poems here with us. - I like your poem, you write very good, looking forward to reading more from you. - Warm greeting / / Anne-Lise :)
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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry