What Must I Do To Be Saved
What Must I Do To Be Saved?
By Charles Gerald Patrick Chard 2nd
Gavri Hanita Hazaka Abir Selek 2nd
First You must realize who you are,
A sinner full of Life's scars,
You must feel sorry for what you have done,
Realize Jesus as the Holy One,
Then say this prayer from your heart,
Jesus I am a sinner right from the start,
Forgive me Jesus I call on you,
Forgive me Jesus for You are true,
I commit to You all my ways,
I will try my LORD never to stray,
Help me O LORD to follow You daily,
I believe you died and rose again most sincerely,
I Believe You lived a most Holy Life,
Of Happiness, Sorrow, Pain, and strife
I believe in GOD my Father above,
And the Holy Spirit who fills me with Love,
I commit to You all that I am,
You Jesus, are GOD's Lamb,
Jesus my Savior, My LORD, My all,
Please pick me up whenever I fall,
Now dear brethren you are born again,
Now you are free from all your sin,
Now you aew the children of GOD,
Now walk by faith daily while walking on this earthy sod.
Copyright © Charles Gerald Patrick Chard 2nd | Year Posted 2018
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