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What I See When I Read Other Peoples Poems

When I put myself in the reader’s shoes, My mind it unlocks my heart becomes fused, So many paths are written about, Some with emotional pain, fear and doubt, Some just admire love and the rain, Some people’s words are written in vain, Whatever the journey I can jump right in, Words have no boundary’s they start where my eyes begin, Echoes of sadness transfer through to my chest, Welding the pieces of alone and depressed, Confusion and clutter glued to their verses, Lyrics and styles some blessings and some curses, Some intellectually murder expression, While others navigate me through lust and obsession, Some make declarations, oaths and pledges, Language can break through all previous wedges, Others can take me back to long ago, During wars of succession that troubled them so, Drifters and seekers, My fellow poets are speakers, Unraveling time, By a single rhyme, Just like the lyrics of King David, Heartache and trouble can leave some jaded, But when others can take that journey with you again, All from a poets notebook and pen, The past comes alive and the present becomes real, Dirt roads aren’t as scary and soldiers finally heal, Our souls become one by the words we do speak, So take time to read another persons week, For their lessons may be the energy that saves some youth, Their story’s may be the emotion that engrave in your heart truth, Take a moment to walk through someone else's mind, There is no telling what you will find. By: Sabina Nicole

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 8/5/2011 8:11:00 AM
Soup Mail!!!!!
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Date: 8/4/2011 2:09:00 PM
Enjoyed reading your creative poetry today Sabina. Wishing you the best in your writing endeavors whatever they may be. I will return to read more as time allows so keep your pen flowing. Love, Carol
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Date: 8/3/2011 10:03:00 PM
"Unraveling time, by a simple rhyme" Excellence in that line alone, but the poem is well crafted in it's total, a beauty, well done.
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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry