Year 2023 is over
As a big speaker of Africa
and africans
I wrote many political poems
about Africa which went viral.
My mediatic declarations through
Africa Up Media 24 went viral on
Tiktok , WhatsApp , and so on.
Many people in the World
heard those messages
and contributed to speak for Africans.
It is a big achievement to me
as a professional "poet" writer
and public speaker
Who always wish
To see the end
Of atrocities
In Africa.
When I convinced many Congolese poets
famous musicians and actors
To expose the problems
of eastern of DRCongo through their works.
I was so happy to hear nice musics
from collaborations of Africans
different musicians
showing the problems
of DRCongo.
I was so happy to watch
Some beautiful collaborations
of some congolese musicians and actors,
singing about the problems of eastern
of DRCongo while acting.
The entire Congolese got attention
of the cruel situations:
1. Seeing how some rapists raped
and killed some innocent women
2. Seeing how some kids are forced
by some rebels in some mines sectors.
3. Seeing how some politicians
created rebellions in suppoort with some foreign
multi- nationals companies.
4.Seeing dead bodies
in different places
of Eastern of DRCongo.
Copyright © Alfonso II Warally Ngengethe Mussabwa Chris | Year Posted 2023
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