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What Are the Colors of Your Rainbow?

There was an unhappy man, who used to dream alone; and he lived life day by day as it sadly shimmers away... What are the colors of your rainbow? Can you change that outlook of dispised misery, and be part of this human race? If they are dark like the clouds of a storm... you can make up your own lively colors, and feel the new spirit breath in you suddenly! What are the colors of your rainbow? Would you consider a change, or go on wishing what it could have been? Inside of you there's something hidden, afraid of being revealed and told; be honest with yourself, be kind and loudly laugh... life is a great gift and must be lived! I spotted the same man, down my block, reading the daily paper, he was well-dressed and ready for success: shining shoes and a matching tie, friends surrounded him with pleasure; I gess he didn't fall for that lie... he has finally found what changed his luck!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2006

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