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What Am I?

I'm the glitter that rains on birthdays, And the bright rainbow in the sky! I'm as high as the moon, And when I come down I fly! I'M A TICKING TIMEBOMB, AND THE WORDS THAT SLIP OFF THE TONGUE, I'M THE SPARK LEADING TO DYNAMITE, AND COMBUST LOUD AS A DRUM. i'm boots in mud puddles, on sodden dreary days, when the clouds glide along, and the sun hides away. I'm millions of eyes staring, Towards podiums, microphones and bright-lit stages? I'm a horror story you read at night, That you tear out the pages? im as hollow as a void and rooted like a weed i stay where im needed and dont try to plead I'm an organism, Filled with water and love, I eat, I drink, All of the above. I feel fear, I feel joy, I get sad, And annoyed. I breathe in air, And feel my lungs loosen, What am I? I'm human.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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