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What a Kind World Today

I have friends in low places, Creative as created in our Creator's image, No two exactly alike, But more alike then different, If one could pull back the curtain, Title reads 'kind' when it need read 'hateful', I'm not a racist or a pessimist, make mistake, I count my blessings, I'm full of things I know to be most grateful, But I'm not going to sugarcoat a world that isn't it's greatest, Me neither, but least not fake, Time to rise, Act from kind, Discipline from nothing less then love, In the end, we all are broken, Born to sin, Observe, imitate, listening, Human race has no color, In a time ever so connected, To anything except that of another human, Dating today is swipe left, Not to judge or say what's right, Not my job as if to right one's wrongs, But to lead with compassion, This includes the most high as to how one may measure this, But only need be reminded of the One who Created heaven and earth and as the story goes... In the beginning... Take a look, best be inward, The strongest breed contain the roar of the king of the jungle and with good reason, But like alike Christ in that they prove gentle, The only one example we each need be reminded of is the One whom washed the feet of other's, nourished the souls of the weakened and severely broken, the tax collectors and very one's our society looks down upon for no valid reason, I've heard it all, because of fear and those who don't know, For the more fortunate, For those with better parenting, For those whose trials and tribulations and all the ways we each are shaped all adding up, But to a different time and different place, All the basic same, But the way we treat others, we need feel shame Nice need become our all time low, call it what you want, I call it status quo, Status Quo which is conventional, Even our very best, become outdated, And strive for kindness is peace on earth, May take time and some generations, But I believe each to deeply desire the exact same things, Love and acceptance, in a world that accepts hate and divide, So I lay awake, Strung out, killing myself, alienated and alone, Exact opposite of how we would treat our babies, Help me, help you, Let's truly make America great again by putting it's people first and truth and transparency, Our system makes people not say what need be said if to be united and our strongest, Then I say, take our knowledge and start spreading it, Nothing better then a win/win, Life is no Nintendo game, no do overs, Quote eminem

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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Date: 12/13/2017 1:13:00 PM
Wow.. what a powerful self reflective first post.. Welcome to poetry soup...
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Date: 12/13/2017 7:26:00 AM
Lots of good parts in this expressive piece.
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