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Whale Sharks

Whale Sharks are listed as, endangered and are found in, all tropical oceans on the planet They are the largest fish and nothing like the Titanic and their white spotted skin, makes them known as gentle giants Adults are often seen feeding, at the ocean’s surface but can dive one thousand meters, to feed on plankton They can travel very long distances, for the need to feed to sustain their huge size, and their need of reproduction They are highly valued, on the international black markets for the human need of greed, of their meat, oil and fins They are victims of bycatch, when fishing for the supermarkets and fishing disturbs their feeding, that can led to propeller injuring

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 12/8/2020 11:57:00 AM
They are quite magnificent Mark. I dream of seeing one up close but would never pay to do so. We should leave them be.
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Mark Charles
Date: 12/8/2020 12:14:00 PM
Totally agree, as us humans are encroaching to much into wildlife's territory. Thanks

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