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Weep the Willow She

Weep The Willow She Bark and Willow Weeps she to raining Poses curtained shadows Behind the water fall of slim leaven branchings Underneath recumbent grass Damp on cold spatters Spreading stains water logged An unremitting drop of rain Shaken to drips from the overhang Her shoulders code the tears Fall Leafy roof sweeping down Bending low and bending thoughts Weeping to the sky Bending low and bending thoughts Dark shafts lighted thoroughfares dappling Where once the night and shade May have squabbled Over these ink-ed pools Of sorrow she Slipping from embassies of luminosity Lent themselves between the bows Bent between her thoughts Weeping to the sky

Copyright © | Year Posted 2009

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Date: 1/9/2009 2:53:00 AM
What a gorgeous pome of the beauty that is the willow tre...amazing expression, Colin, just beautiful!!! Love, K
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Date: 1/8/2009 4:21:00 PM
Colin this is just beautiful poetry such wonderful metaphores and choice descriptive words thoughts images. I guess Christie is going through some heartache based on her last poem and she probably related to this one. Very fine job and I hope Christie can have healing through this write. GBU Colin than you for your comments and my dad says hello. Say hi to your son from me and my dad.
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