We The People of this nation
We are taking a stand
This is America’s land
Principles that bind
Constitution stands
Higher powers want to change and rearrange
We the People say things should stay the same
Laws having Laws
Rules with a don’t touch
One beginning with a reason
New beginning wants communism
The Forefathers that came before saw a need for the constitution
It was going to be America’s Resolution
Higher powers are seeking a different direction
Word for word sections with insertions
Executive Order after Executive Order
Statue of Liberty, your voice silenced
Civil Rights, you are being ignored
Freedom is being dimmed with no tomorrow
We the People are ready for a fight to defend
This is not America’s end
Standing and Chanting
“We The People have had Enough”
Forefather’s souls have been uplifted in our cause
Reality has set in
Ready has been holding steady
Our eyes on who we are and what can be accomplished
The names of each Forefather established
We the People now and continuing forever
The multitudes with power hour by hour
We will never tire nor sour
We The People eyes
Understanding and Wise.
Copyright © Anthony Blake | Year Posted 2025
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