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We Left Our Childhood Behind

Remember when we used to play In our backyards every day We built castles in the sand And chased each other hand in hand Remember when we used to laugh At silly jokes and photographs We shared our secrets and our dreams Ate ice cream and watched moonbeams Remember when we used to be The best of friends, just you and me We swore we'd never drift apart And keep each other in our hearts But now we play a different game We've grown up now, it’s such a shame We rarely talk or have time to spare Now kids and jobs are always there Remember when we used to say Nothing could ever get in our way We were so young, naïve, and blind— We left our childhood behind
*I wrote this poem on January 27, 2024, as part of a ’30 days of poetry’ January challenge. This was day 27 and the prompt was: Write a poem that evokes nostalgia.

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