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We Hid In the Cottonwood Tree

We hid in the cottonwood tree’s magic treehouse. Spying on our neighbors. Laughter rang out occasionally from the windows of some of their houses. We clutched our stomachs and laughed. Mr. Pete gave his wife a big hug at their house. We all went, Oh, yucky! We were eleven, and loved the height of our tree mansion. Feeling like detectives, or FBI agents. Eleven is such a magical time. We used to haul all kinds of pillows up there. It was my reading nook. On reading days, I was off with pirates, or Pippi Longstocking, and we were on the sea, which I had never seen in real life, but imagined was quite wonderful. You can never get 11 back, so please enjoy it!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2018

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Date: 5/8/2018 3:20:00 PM
What a wonderful, nastolgic poem of childhood days, Caren! Such carefree times...I really enjoyed this! :)
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Krutsinger Avatar
Caren Krutsinger
Date: 5/8/2018 7:09:00 PM
Thank you for the kind words, and the visit, Laura.
Date: 5/4/2018 12:49:00 PM
That's took me right back, doesn't time fly Tom
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Caren Krutsinger
Date: 5/6/2018 5:13:00 AM
Faster and faster.

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry