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We didn't have much stuff

We didn’t have much stuff We weren’t poor Or so we were told Ya got one pair of shoes Maybe sneakers in the summer A few “hand-me-downs” A “cold water flat” in the city An old black cast iron stove For warming feet in the winter Had a baseball glove Which I protected Treated with oils A favorite shirt Which my sister hated Probably why I liked it so much We were fed, clothed, warm(?) In my early twenties All, and I mean ALL Of my “stuff” Fit into my VW bug Including the black and white TV. Today, I have a truck All my stuff will fit into it (if I leave my wife at home) The cuffs and collars Of my flannel shirts are frayed My jeans faded in mysteries I have a lot of NEW stuff Y’know, like memories Of kids and grandkids Stealing my flannel shirts Lumbering around in my work boots So, I guess I have a lot of stuff now It will still fit into a VW bug For I carry it in my heart And dream of it at night.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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Date: 7/29/2024 7:26:00 PM
As Chuck Barris used to say, 'We'll be right back with more stuff!' btw: I've never seen a VW bug, John. Do they look anything like ladybugs? ~ What's up, Doc?!
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