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We Claim This Decree To Be Binding Forever a True Decree-1

We make this Decree before the Ascending Angels and Descending Angels! Power and Glory for our beginnings the heavens and the earth called one Faith one Lord one traveled road to bring the Power and the Glory to Earth. We take our authority that is given by Jesus Christ of Nazareth Our Saviour and a true friend. Whatsoever we bind on earth is bound in heaven every nanosecond. We take our authority and love in our souls and lose our minds our bodies and our spirits from the power of that old serpent the Devil and Satan the Lord rebuke you! You can not attack our generational blessings from the Lord that flow daily from heart to heart. Our hearts can not be attacked in the earth when we sleep we make this Covenant above all other Covenants in joy and peace far from the ones that have given their souls to the old serpent the devil and Satan must leave and lay down the powers to the Earth. The Earth is the Lords and the Powers and the fullness thereof and every one that dwells in the Earth thrones dominions and kingdoms everyone that dwells in the Earth kingdoms and Domes the atmosphere with houses and land and wealth and in Our Lords creates houses and land blessed and protected resting in the shadow of his wings the lord's kingdoms come, Gods will be done in the earth as it is in heaven in the darkness in the false realities in the false illusion obsessions and possessions. The heathen gold we claim from generation to generation we set this as a seal. Heaven and Earth may pass away but God's words will yet be standing as a seal of our Father's love from generations to come to his love for his earthly creations! Now Satan's children must bow to that name every knee must bow to the law of the great Jehovah the great I am and his confessed Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth paid the cost and became a cure to stop all the curses that can or will now never be! Now the truth must be obeyed this day We Decree And Speak. Let God arise and his enemies be scattered! Let God Let God Now arise be confused enemies that have the mark of the beast in the forehead and obey that Old Serpent the Devil and the hand mark of Satan the Lord rebuke you! You can not come near our dwelling foes where the fruit trees glow and the green grass grows and expand the earth in the beautiful space in the earth. You cannot come near our atmosphere our place of peace, not our flesh, not our souls, not our bodies all under the word of the Lord, and his power and his love for us shows the revelation. Glory forever and ever Amen We take back our inheritance from the children of darkness from the children of iniquity from the old serpent the devil the beast the wicked ones on earth We give no no power no energies no and the land and the sea system cease to be our enemy. Evil slays the wicked movements. Our Lord always provides closure and breaks down every system of false actions in our dream state of mind our waking systems works just fine also the state of feel the feeling the freedom of the night and day breeze and the heat is good. Systems of Greed and Legion mental health pain every system of evil inventions do not come near our dwelling space houses or lands no not ever.! Our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come, God, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven always a way to escape the fiery darts of devils. We lose Ten times hotter Holy Ghost Fires any time greater than the power of the serpents to nil and void now and surrender to our Fathers planned and plans stand we stand on the never-changing word of God! We have no lack where all our blessings flow as the river streams flow downhill. We set the captive free out of the dirt and slime now this darkness has ceased to be and they return to the marvelous light that shines so bright daily because no weapon no kill no steal no destroy evil spirits can prosper no none not one attack anywhere from any attacks of fear of death destructions serpents worms germs and legions systems will not touch our lives we must live and not die. We set the captive free this day a decree of love and mercy shall follow us all the days of our life and we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. We live far from the systems of hate and fear Jesus Christ Holy Father our protector. Protect our heads and hands and bodies walking and talking and from every evil plan of this old serpent the devil that comes against God's will for our lives we win in the land of Alpha and Omega the beginning and the End energies. Part one of this Decree This Covenant Law above our other covenants we may have made takes second place or leaves the earth and no revenge is present in the earthly realms and the dreams are not nightmares anymore this humble day is recorded as an Earthly Decree and Covenant that can not be broken never but blessed we Decree the Decree To Be true or Truth that will and must stand from generations to generation Breaking the generational curses forever and ever Amen.... until Heaven and Earth pass away back into our Fathers hands with his beloved Spirit Of understanding!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 11/1/2023 4:00:00 AM
Oh Amen and Amen and Amen Well done. my friend and sister. God Bless, JB
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Joyce Faure
Date: 11/17/2023 7:30:00 AM
Thank you, my dear Poet!

Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry