We Bleed Out
We Bleed Out
By Sy Roth
Unbroken string of invective--
The world deserves it.
It blurs our memories.
No need to sing its praises
When it undoes us,
Unties the laces that bind us
And drops us off at a station
Where work make us free
Without a ticket.
SSN and its variables cling to us
And we blend into a miniscule world
Where the spectacles on the hill of ash
Watch us
Follow us with its empty eyes
As we bump along its hillocks
And care only about the MPGs
And not where it is taking us.
We simply cover the miles until we run out of gas.
Can’t parley with the atoms that collide into us.
Neutrinos, faster than light,
Zip by without respite
And we fail to see it,
Just sense it,
A theoretical maze that confounds.
All those particles that slice through
And we do not know that we have been cut
By a thousand blades
Until we bleed out
And nourish the ground.
Copyright © Sy Roth | Year Posted 2021
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