Wayde's Road To Rio
The road to Rio ran his every day
Aerobic fitness was his daily way
The lactic acid ate his muscle mass,
but soon the aching pains began to pass
The win reward a fine line to the tape
He fought the fight to get into best shape
He made his time to take him to the start,
to peak his strength and win the race an art
Just five circles his only dream tattoo,
or maybe under forty three will do
A gold the prize for him, a life reward
it looked so easy, Wayde’s new world record
He lived the dream a life in golden hope,
but ductile gold a sweet success tightrope
-A tribute to Wayde van Niekerk’s new world record in the 400m almost breaking 43 s yesterday. The record was held by Michael Johnson and was 16 years old-
Copyright © Just James | Year Posted 2016
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