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Watching Joey Fall

wish Hitch could’ve been alive to watch joey fall, to see a “pope” of all the catholic little boy rapists, dismiss himself from the situation, prior to taking any responsibility for sitting back while all the lil’ catholic priests go molesting about, masturbating the boys who trusted them & scarring them in the name of the “lord”--- no, it’s more important to the world of believers, to overlook the man who stood at the top, while molesting & raping was going on, it’s much more important to allow joey the chance to live out the rest of his years in a “dignified existence,” safe & secure behind the walls of the vatican. how much more needs to come out before the catholics of this world begin to realize that had there not been a certain fairytale concocted years ago about a certain fictional character, then these pedophiliacs who parade around in their little costumes, would be in ****ing jail for life, where they belong, as opposed to wiping their hands off after jerking a little boy & then passing out the “communion” wafers?

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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